山ばな 平八茶屋

Heihachi Jaya Japanese Restaurant & Inn


‘Kama-buro’ Japanese Style Sauna

  • ※1,000 yen (tax excluded) per person *Towels are provided
  • ※Please make a reservation in advance. Click here for reservation. (If you are staying at our inn, there is no charge for using Sauna)
  • ※Opening Hours 11:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
  • ※There is a separate sauna and bath for male and female
  • ※Bath towel can be used to wrap your body inside the sauna
  • ※A communal bath is available to wash after the sauna, free of charge
Post kama

Temperature inside the wet sauna is between 55 - 60 degree Celsius. Inside, ceramic pillows are provided on a straw mat. It gradually warms your body and promotes sweating. Beneficial for treating nerve pain, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, gastro enteropathy and asthma. It also relieves cold symptoms, hangovers and shoulder aches after just one session.

Post kama

The sauna is a large igloo shape with straw matting inside. One lays on the mat on the ceramic pillow. As the interior temperature is lower than a regular sauna, it is less strenuous on the heart and muscles. As a result, one can enjoy a longer time relaxing inside.


After the sauna, you can wash off at a communal bath connected to the sauna.

Post kama

Male side bath


Female side bath

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